Steve at Home Green Home(www.homegreenhome)/ in downtown Viroqua had invited us to park in front of his store on Saturday morning, which is Farmer’s Market day. We pulled in early to try and get a spot before the market shoppers filled things up. Despite being early, the spot we needed was already taken, and we decided to wait for it to open up by parking in a yellow zone. Within minutes, a local policeman let us know that while he didn’t really care, his boss was going to be wandering around the market at some point and he needed to do his job. He then told us we could hang out until the spot opened up and wished us well on our show. The spot soon was clear and we opened the Airstream up for visitors.
Viroqua is at the center of one of the largest groups of organic farmers in the country, and the people here have an open mind when it comes to things like our project. We were soon quite busy with visitors, and were quickly the talk of the town. The Farmer’s Market which is about half occupied by Amish vendors and is very popular, drew a nice crowd for us. We met people like Chuck Sinclair who got his wife on the phone and told her to get down here and see this Airstream. They are working on their plans to build a small, eco-friendly home after they sell their farm and retire, and had a ton of questions about the systems, materials and features we had incorporated. We also met Sonya Newenhouse from the Madison Environmental Group who immediately fell in love with our wool bed. Her group is working on some pretty cool designs for small living spaces. You can learn more at:
We took advantage of the market to pick up some fresh maple syrup and a couple of ears of corn from one of the Amish vendors, and thoroughly enjoyed our visit to this charming little town.
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